
Vocational Training Program

NSRIC Vocational training (VT) program is one of the focused and integrated part of our initiatives. VT is usually defined as any training that is specific to a particular occupation. However, an academic degree program from a college or university might prepare you to pursue a wide range of entry-level positions within a certain field such as business or IT. VT is intended to equip you with the defined skills through certification or licensing required to pursue a specific position such as hairstylist, construction electrician, or chef. Since vocational training programs are designed to help students acquire career-specific skills for a broad range of career paths, there are a number of learning formats designed to accommodate the needs of each occupation. Whether they are called vocational colleges, technical schools, or career colleges, career-oriented educational institutions provide an array of options for those who are interested. NSRIC is committed to provide career training programs, apprenticeship programs, and much more. We focus our training program in oil and gas, construction, manufacturing, service, and transportation. Our world-class instructors are typically industry-experienced professionals who possess an understanding of the practical abilities and theories required to enter the specific area that they are teaching. Programs are developed with a strong focus on career readiness and generally contain significant hands-on training and opportunities for obtaining real-world experience. For more information and enroll in this program, please Click Here.