(EST-Toronto Time)

NSRIC computer algorithm and programming (CAP) platform is one of the focused and integrated areas of our initiatives. Our CAP program is divided into two sections: (i) algorithm and (ii) computer programming. In algorithms, students learn the step-by-step procedure of how to solve the problem and in computer programming, students learn to establish a set of instructions for a computer to follow to perform a task. A program could also be an implementation of code to instruct a computer on how to execute an algorithm. The aim of the CAP program is to educate students to become masters in different areas of computer science, software, apps, web design and many more in algorithm and computer coding. For more information, please Click Here.
The Immigration and Workforce Training (IWT) Program is a specialized NSRIC training program.
This training program is designed to help students who are interested in getting an education,
training, and virtual work experience in Canada to upgrade their skills. Each program in
different fields of study covers different National Occupational Classification (NOC), Canada.
The program covers a wide range of professions across four levels of education (i.e.,
foundation, intermediate, advanced, and professional). The maximum length for each program is
39.5 hours.
The program provides topics that match the targeted skills required for a work
permit or express entry visa into Canada. However, it also attempts to cover the requirements of
the other country’s work permit and/or visa (i.e., such as Australia, Japan, Malaysia, Saudi
Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Oman etc.). The course material is open to any interested students
who want to leave the country as a skilled workforce in any country. The program is designed to
help and enhance the skill set for permanent residents (PR) or prospective immigrants who are
interested in enhancing their skills in accordance with NOC occupations. The course can be
offered in any field of study that supports the different occupations of the NOC, Canada, and
other countries. On-demand courses, training, or programs (i.e., upon request) may also be
offered at the request of the business, agency or enterprise.
The minimum requirement for this program is a 12th year of secondary school in
Canada or equivalent (Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent) or a mature student (at
least 19 years old and removed from full-time high school for at least two years).
English Literacy Development (ELD) is a program for English language learners who have had
limited opportunities to develop language and literacy skills in their first language. Being
literate means having the skills to be able to read, write and speak to understand and create
meaning in English. Our ELD program is designed followed by the Ministry of Education, Ontario,
Canada curriculum. The ELD program includes listening, speaking, reading, and writing. They also
include such things as awareness of the sounds of language, awareness of print, and the
relationship between letters and sounds. Other literacy skills include vocabulary, spelling, and
The Literacy and English framework promote the development of critical and creative thinking as
well as competence in listening and talking, reading, writing and the personal, interpersonal
and team-working skills which are so important in life and in the world of work.
This program also covers the Observable Language and Literacy Behaviours (OLLB). The program
helps the English language learners who have limited or interrupted formal schooling and require
an English literacy development program. The varieties describe English language and literacy
proficiency development in three broad strands: (i) oral, (ii) reading and (iii) writing. Each
strand is guided by the Ontario language curriculum and the ELD curriculum. The Oral strand is
defined in terms of listening and speaking skills. Reading is organized by the elements:
meaning, form and style, and fluency. The Writing strand emphasizes the view of writing as a
process, progressing from prewriting and organization of ideas, to writing and editing. The
Observable Language and Literacy Behaviours continua have two main purposes: one is to inform
programming and the other is to track the student’s language proficiency.
Finally, ELD has been developed to ensure that English language learners have the
maximum opportunity to become proficient in English and achieve the high levels of literacy that
are expected of world students. For more information, please Click Here .
English as a Second Language (ESL) programs provide international students with the opportunity to learn English or improve their language skills in English. ESL comprises four areas of teaching such as (i) Reading, (ii) Writing, (iii) Listening and (iv) Speaking. Almost every Canadian school in North America now welcomes students who speak over 100 different languages. Such examples are several Aboriginal languages, many African, Asian, and European languages, or an English-related creole language (such as Caribbean Creole or West African Krio). This increasing linguistic and cultural diversity provides students with many opportunities for cultural enrichment and for learning that is global in scope. However, this diversity brings a significant and growing proportion of students who come as English language learners in the English-language schools. Our ESL program opens a door for the students who are interested in getting admissions in different schools in North America, Australia, UK, Europe and many other countries. These students will learn the language of instruction i.e., English. The curriculum in English as an ESL program has been developed to ensure that English language learners have the maximum opportunity to become proficient in English and achieve the high levels of literacy that are expected of all students. The goals of the ESL curriculum is to (i) train the students in a broad proficiency in English that is essential to students’ success in both their social and academic lives, (ii) foster their capability to take their place in society as responsible and productive citizens and (iii) provide with the knowledge and skills an English language learner needs. For more information, please Click here.
French as a second language (FSL) at the Ontario School Board in Canada is a required language to study from Gr. 4 to 8. Further, students need to earn at least one credit in FSL in secondary school (i.e., Gr. 9 to 12) to obtain the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). This program provides solid theoretical and practical training in French as a second language which allows the student to acquire the interaction skills necessary for their professional development. Our approach is based on communicative and experiential teaching and learning methods which rely on and can directly be applied to the realities of everyday life. This program is designed to meet the needs of beginners as well as the advanced students. Courses are delivered according to specific learning outcomes for each training level, ensuring a continuous learning process while focusing on participants’ communication needs, learning styles, past knowledge, interests, and abilities. Throughout the program, students will learn the grammatical structures as well as the vocabulary required for their professional and personal activities. They will also be introduced to French culture and francophone communities. After successful completion of the program, students will be able to communicate effectively in both oral and written French. The program is divided into two Levels, (i) Foundation Level and (ii) Advanced level. At the foundation level, there are five courses to learn the basic French language. In advanced level, there are 10 courses to fulfil the requirement of the certificate under Ministry of Education, Ontario, Canada. The advanced level FSL program follows and covers the Ontario school board curriculum. For more information, please Click Here. To enroll in this program, please Click Here .
The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test is one of the most popular English
tests that measure the English language proficiency of individuals where English is the native
language. IELTS certificate is the internationally recognized document of proof to show the
level of English proficiency. This certification can open up prospects, including immigration,
study, work permit and many more job opportunities. An IELTS preparation course helps a person
to prepare for the exam while building the English language skills.
The IELTS test is mainly taken by students and professionals who intend to pursue higher study,
work permits and migrations to another country. This includes countries such as Australia,
Canada, New Zealand, the UK and USA. There are two versions of IELTS tests such as (i) academic
IELTS and (ii) general IELTS. The academic IELTS test is for students who are seeking to study
abroad. The general IELTS test is for people who are planning to migrate to other countries for
permanent residency. NIST offers both programs and they are made up of four parts – Listening,
Reading, Writing and Speaking. For more information, please Click
Here . To enroll in this program, please Click
Here .
TOEFL is commonly abbreviated as the test of English as a Foreign Language. The examination was created to measure the English skills of non-native speakers hoping to attend schools where English is the language of instruction. Looking at a student’s TOEFL scores, admission officers decide if that student had a high enough level of English to succeed at their academic department. In general, TOEFL comprises four segments such as (i) listening skills, (ii) reading skills, (iii) speaking skills and (iv) writing skills. It is also called the computer-based version of the TOEFL i.e., TOEFL CBT. These days, the earlier TOEFL is called TOEFL iBT (internet-Based Test). This program is designed to help students develop the necessary skills required for the TOEFL test on speaking, listening, writing, and reading. The course is intensive in nature and requires a lot of work on the students’ part. This program is designed for serious students who want to secure an overall score of 100+ on the TOEFL iBT. If you are ready to successfully prepare for the high score in the Exam, this TOEFL iBT program is a course for you. Our program offers a deep understanding of the exam, not simply surface-level contents. Our dedicated TOEFL iBT Instructors are experienced who break down and simplify the questions for students so that the exam becomes easy. TOEFL is not simply knowing about English, but it requires test strategy and tactics that have proven results. As a result, learning the TOEFL iBT is a challenge. In addition, it is an online exam and thus this program will allow students to study in the format that is best for the exam. For more information, please Click Here. To enroll in this program, please Click Here .
The NSRIC International College in Toronto (NICT) is the private career College in Ontario, Canada. NICT is an applied diploma granting institution where Business Management, Computing and IT, Health Care and Engineering Technology programs will be offered upon the approval of ministerial consent. Prof. Mohammed Enamul Hossain is the first President of NICT. For more information, you can visit NICT website at www.nict.ca. To know more about NICT activities, please visit our NICT college platform or contact us at info@nsric.ca.
The NSRIC International School in Toronto (NIST) offers Canadian curricular-based school programs from Kindergarten to Gr. 12 school education. For more information, please visit the NIST school program by Clicking Here.
NSRIC eLearning, or electronic learning, is the delivery of learning and training through digital resources such as asynchronous and synchronous mode of course delivery. The NSRIC eLearning is based on formalized learning which is provided through electronic devices such as computers, tablets and even cellular phones that are connected to the internet.For more information, please visit NSRIC online education platform by clicking here.
International School in Toronto (NIST) offers a Canadian curricular-based Ontario
Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) Program (Gr. 9 – 12). The OSSD is a diploma certificate granted
to secondary school graduates (after successful completion of Gr. 9 to 12 required courses) in
Ontario, Canadian. OSSD is part of the NIST School program which is a publicly-funded
province-wide school system for government schools. It is awarded to all students who complete
the Ontario education curriculum, including NIST Home school students.
The NIST secondary (i.e., High) school education program allows students to graduate with a
Canadian accredited diploma from the Ontario Ministry of Education which is OSSD. In accordance
with our vision of disseminating knowledge to others, NIST wishes to execute this vision to the
global market by offering students all around the world a strong educational foundation through
a Canadian high school diploma i.e., OSSD. Our graduates are highly successful in their pursuit
of higher education in universities and colleges across the globe, including North America,
Europe, and Australia. Our students pride themselves with successfully completing a journey of
one of the richest curriculum’s offered in a global context. For more information, please
visit the NIST school program by clicking here .
NSRIC professional development (PD) program is an integral part of our initiatives. The PD is often defined as, “structured professional learning that results in changes to a person’s knowledge and practices, and improvements in student learning outcomes”. We offer online PD courses that help professionals, early career employees and students to enhance their professional skills and improve their employability. When combined with students’ academic programs and NSRIC PD experiences, our effort ensures that students are ready to excel in the workplace, no matter their career path. Research has illustrated that for example, teacher competency and skill are directly correlated to student’s achievement. Policy makers, educators, parents, and students alike, all have a vested interest in identifying the central aspects of effective PD to enhance the successful career. There are seven key parameters in the core of our PD program. These keys are (i) content-focused, (ii) incorporates active learning, (iii) supports collaboration, (iv) uses models of effective practices, (v) provides coaching and expert support, (vi) offers feedback and reflection and (vii) is of sustained duration. For more information and enroll in this program, please Click Here.
The NIST tutoring program is an integral part of our initiatives. Students can start and enjoy a
successful school year while gaining confidence with this program. Our tutoring program is a
focused individual student’s need-based learning where we assess every student to determine
their needs. We then offer a suitable program that’s ideally suited for them and thus giving
them feelings of the confidence to succeed throughout the school year. NIST customized tutoring
programs can help your child navigate the school year with confidence and success.
Our program is carefully developed with those needs in mind. There are steps from
setting goals to developing a curriculum. For starting a successful new tutoring program at
NIST, these steps are assess the need, define the mission, setting up goals and objectives,
design the program, select or adapt a reading curriculum, provide support for tutors and
implement the plans. These steps are followed during the development of a tutoring program for
your child and/or children. NIST tutoring program is mainly focused on (i) computer programming,
(ii) English, (iii) French, (iv) Mathematics and (v) Science for all grades. However, the NIST
tutoring program is open for all areas of studies for all grades. We can design any tutoring
program according to the student’s needs. For more information and to enroll in this program,
please Click Here.
NSRIC Vocational training (VT) program is one of the focused and integrated parts of our initiatives. VT is usually defined as any training that is specific to a particular occupation. However, an academic degree program from a college or university might prepare you to pursue a wide range of entry-level positions within a certain field such as business or IT. VT is intended to equip you with the defined skills through certification or licensing required to pursue a specific position such as hairstylist, construction electrician, or chef. Since vocational training programs are designed to help students acquire career-specific skills for a broad range of career paths, there are a number of learning formats designed to accommodate the needs of each occupation. Whether they are called vocational colleges, technical schools, or career colleges, career-oriented educational institutions provide an array of options for those who are interested. NSRIC is committed to provide career training programs, apprenticeship programs, and much more. We focus our training program in oil and gas, construction, manufacturing, service, and transportation. Our world-class instructors are typically industry-experienced professionals who possess an understanding of the practical abilities and theories required to enter the specific area that they are teaching. Programs are developed with a strong focus on career readiness and generally contain significant hands-on training and opportunities for obtaining real-world experience. For more information and enroll in this program, please Click Here.